R 291332Z MAY 18 FM COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA TO NAVRESFOR INFO ASSTSECNAV MRA WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA COMNAVRESFORCOM NORFOLK VA COMNAVAIRFORES SAN DIEGO CA COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN BT UNCLAS ALNAVRESFOR 010/18 // MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA//N5// SUBJ/NOMINATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE NATIONAL NAVY RESERVE POLICY BOARD (NNRPB) AND NAVY RESERVE POLICY BOARD (NRPB)// REF/A/DOC/COMNAVRESFOR/30MAR16// REF/B/DOC/SECNAV/20DEC12// REF/C/DOC/SECNAV/31DEC05// NARR/REF A, COMNAVRESFORINST 5420.5M, IS COMMANDER, NAVY RESERVE FORCE (COMNAVRESFOR) NAVY RESERVE POLICY BOARD. REF B, SECNAVINST 5420.170L CH-1, IS THE NATIONAL NAVY AND MARINE CORPS RESERVE POLICY BOARD. REF C, SECNAVINST 5210.16, IS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY FORMS MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS (REPORTS) MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS.// POC/HANVEY/CDR/COMNAVRESFOR N53/NORFOLK VA/CML: TEL: (757) 322-6642/ DSN: 262-6642/EMAIL: ROBERT.HANVEY(AT)NAVY.MIL// POC/SAXON/YNC/SECNAV NNRPB/WASHINGTON DC/CML: TEL: (703) 693-0392/ DSN: 671-0392/EMAIL: JAMES.E.SAXON(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This is a solicitation for Full Time Support (FTS) and/or Selected Reserve (SELRES) nominees in the grades of E-7 to E-9, Chief Warrant Officer, and O-3 to O-6 to fill board member vacancies on the NNRPB and NRPB for a 3 year commitment starting in January 2019. Applicants must have a minimum of three years of eligible service remaining. The Chair of each respective Board shall personally notify those selected. 2. Per reference (a), COMNAVRESFOR convenes the NRPB. The NRPB reviews all issue submissions, and if selected for recommendation, submits them for final review and disposition to COMNAVRESFOR. Policy change recommendations which require Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) approval, Department of Defense (DoD) approval or legislative changes are forwarded via COMNAVRESFOR to the SECNAV NNRPB. The NRPB works year round via email, teleconference, and video teleconference (VTC). Board members will dedicate considerable time throughout the year on submitted issues and are required to travel to Norfolk, VA three to four times per year for board meetings. 3. Per reference (b), SECNAV convenes the NNRPB to review, initiate, consider, and make recommendations for policy changes or improvements requiring SECNAV or higher level approval. The NNRPB works year round via email, teleconference, and VTC. Board members will dedicate considerable time to policy issues throughout the year and must be able to attend at least two NNRPB meetings per year, including one trip to Washington, D.C. 4. Applicants may begin applying immediately. Applicant packages shall: a. Be submitted electronically with all supporting documentation by 31 July 2018 at: HTTPS://PRIVATE.NAVYRESERVE.NAVY.MIL/CNRFC/N-CODES/N5A/NRPBAPPLY/ b. Include for officers and chief warrant officers, the member's last five fitness reports, Officer Summary Record and Performance Summary Record in pdf format, Navy biography, official Navy photo in khakis, personal statement on QUOTE Why I want to be a board member UNQUOTE and their Immediate Superior In Command's (ISIC) endorsement for the boards applying. There can be no more than two letters of recommendation submitted. C. Include for enlisted, the member's last five evaluations, Performance Summy Record in pdf format, Navy biography, official Navy photo in khakis, personal statement on QUOTE Why I want to be a member UNQUOTE and their ISIC's endorsement for the boards applying. There can be no more than two letters of recommendation submitted. 5. Selectees will be notified no later than 31 October 2018. Nominees who have requested consideration for both boards will be considered for the NNRPB first. 6. Reports. Policy board application packages are exempt for reports control per reference (c). 7. Released by CAPT L. D. Stuffle, Chief of Staff, COMNAVRESFORCOM.// BT #0001 NNNN