1 00:00:00,440 --> 00:00:02,496 Hello , team . I'm Vice Admiral John 2 00:00:02,496 --> 00:00:04,551 Must in the 15th , Chief of the Navy 3 00:00:04,551 --> 00:00:06,718 Reserve . Leaving the greatest reserve 4 00:00:06,718 --> 00:00:08,884 force in the world is my highest honor 5 00:00:08,884 --> 00:00:11,107 and privilege . I'm gonna take about 90 6 00:00:11,107 --> 00:00:10,560 seconds to share a few thoughts with 7 00:00:10,560 --> 00:00:13,270 you as I take command . First , I want 8 00:00:13,270 --> 00:00:15,381 you to know our mission is reserved . 9 00:00:15,381 --> 00:00:17,326 Sailors and officers is incredibly 10 00:00:17,326 --> 00:00:19,437 important as a reserve force . But we 11 00:00:19,437 --> 00:00:21,437 do . And how we do it is seamlessly 12 00:00:21,437 --> 00:00:23,603 integrated in Jar Navies operations in 13 00:00:23,603 --> 00:00:25,770 every domain . Our Navy , Marine Corps 14 00:00:25,770 --> 00:00:25,630 and joint leaders depend on the 15 00:00:25,630 --> 00:00:27,463 strategic death we contribute to 16 00:00:27,463 --> 00:00:29,297 national security as well as the 17 00:00:29,297 --> 00:00:31,352 operational support we provide every 18 00:00:31,352 --> 00:00:33,519 single day around the world . In every 19 00:00:33,519 --> 00:00:35,580 theater of the globe , collectively 20 00:00:35,590 --> 00:00:37,960 were a force that is by design and by 21 00:00:37,960 --> 00:00:40,330 necessity , focused on being ready to 22 00:00:40,330 --> 00:00:42,810 win . Rijn Win isn't a bumper sticker . 23 00:00:43,240 --> 00:00:45,462 It's a promised our nation that each of 24 00:00:45,462 --> 00:00:47,684 us has trained , available and ready to 25 00:00:47,684 --> 00:00:49,880 win . When we arrive on station , that 26 00:00:49,880 --> 00:00:52,700 is , on day one , we will arrive ready 27 00:00:52,700 --> 00:00:55,230 to think creatively , operate boldly 28 00:00:55,240 --> 00:00:57,351 and generate a leverage multiplier to 29 00:00:57,351 --> 00:00:59,760 our nation's combat power . To that end , 30 00:00:59,760 --> 00:01:01,704 I seek your commitment that you're 31 00:01:01,704 --> 00:01:03,593 gonna get and remain tactically , 32 00:01:03,593 --> 00:01:05,816 operationally and strategically ready . 33 00:01:06,210 --> 00:01:08,210 In return for your commitment , you 34 00:01:08,210 --> 00:01:10,321 have my assurance that my staff and I 35 00:01:10,321 --> 00:01:12,043 will work tirelessly to remove 36 00:01:12,043 --> 00:01:13,710 administrative barriers , any 37 00:01:13,710 --> 00:01:15,599 inefficiencies or roadblocks that 38 00:01:15,599 --> 00:01:17,599 impact your ability to deliver . In 39 00:01:17,599 --> 00:01:19,877 closing , you have much to be proud of . 40 00:01:19,940 --> 00:01:22,260 We're doing many things well , and yet 41 00:01:22,260 --> 00:01:24,440 we still have much to do . I'm 42 00:01:24,450 --> 00:01:26,450 energized by the road ahead , and I 43 00:01:26,450 --> 00:01:28,339 know we're gonna accomplish great 44 00:01:28,339 --> 00:01:30,506 things together . Most importantly , I 45 00:01:30,506 --> 00:01:32,839 look forward to seeing you in the fleet . 46 00:01:32,839 --> 00:01:35,006 Keep up the great work . Now let's get 47 00:01:35,006 --> 00:01:33,950 busy .