1 00:00:02,540 --> 00:00:05,860 mm hmm , mm hmm . 2 00:00:11,240 --> 00:00:13,462 Hello team . I'm Vice Admiral john must 3 00:00:13,462 --> 00:00:15,740 in chief of Navy Reserve and Commander , 4 00:00:15,740 --> 00:00:17,907 Navy Reserve Force . This is the third 5 00:00:17,907 --> 00:00:19,962 in our series of videos to introduce 6 00:00:19,962 --> 00:00:19,790 the Navy Reserve fighting instructions . 7 00:00:20,210 --> 00:00:22,266 Those instructions form the basis of 8 00:00:22,266 --> 00:00:24,432 our action plan to transform the force 9 00:00:24,432 --> 00:00:26,210 from the global war on terror . 10 00:00:26,210 --> 00:00:28,321 Individual augment T force into a war 11 00:00:28,321 --> 00:00:30,210 fighting ready strategic force of 12 00:00:30,210 --> 00:00:32,377 course the Navy , the Marine Corps and 13 00:00:32,377 --> 00:00:34,543 our joint forces require and can count 14 00:00:34,543 --> 00:00:36,766 on in an era of long term competition . 15 00:00:36,766 --> 00:00:38,710 The fighting instructions outlined 16 00:00:38,710 --> 00:00:40,877 three lines of effort to modernize the 17 00:00:40,877 --> 00:00:43,099 force design , train and mobilize . I'm 18 00:00:43,099 --> 00:00:45,266 joined today by my friend Rear Admiral 19 00:00:45,266 --> 00:00:47,432 Joey Dajun who is leading the train in 20 00:00:47,432 --> 00:00:49,599 the forest line of effort . Among many 21 00:00:49,599 --> 00:00:49,260 other things , Admiral Dodge is going 22 00:00:49,260 --> 00:00:51,204 to ensure that each of our sailors 23 00:00:51,204 --> 00:00:53,371 understand the requirements associated 24 00:00:53,371 --> 00:00:55,538 with their mobilization billet and are 25 00:00:55,538 --> 00:00:57,593 trained to perform in that . Bill it 26 00:00:57,593 --> 00:00:59,871 when they arrive on station on day one . 27 00:00:59,871 --> 00:01:01,871 Thank you . Admiral Shipmates chief 28 00:01:01,871 --> 00:01:03,927 among the train . The forest line of 29 00:01:03,927 --> 00:01:06,204 effort is what we call mode to bill it , 30 00:01:06,204 --> 00:01:08,427 This means that we are preparing you to 31 00:01:08,427 --> 00:01:10,593 succeed in your mobilization . Bill it 32 00:01:10,593 --> 00:01:12,482 all the time you spend in uniform 33 00:01:12,482 --> 00:01:14,538 should be dedicated to accomplishing 34 00:01:14,538 --> 00:01:14,120 the war fighting requirements of your 35 00:01:14,120 --> 00:01:16,660 mobilization billet in addition to your 36 00:01:16,660 --> 00:01:18,771 mobilization readiness requirements , 37 00:01:18,771 --> 00:01:20,771 which are simply your cost of entry 38 00:01:20,771 --> 00:01:22,882 into the reserve force . So what does 39 00:01:22,882 --> 00:01:24,993 this mean for you ? It means that you 40 00:01:24,993 --> 00:01:26,993 need to know exactly what and where 41 00:01:26,993 --> 00:01:29,049 your mobilization bill it is and all 42 00:01:29,049 --> 00:01:31,216 training and qualifications required . 43 00:01:31,216 --> 00:01:33,216 So when you arrive on station , you 44 00:01:33,216 --> 00:01:35,438 were able to do your job on day one and 45 00:01:35,438 --> 00:01:37,438 every time you go on active duty or 46 00:01:37,438 --> 00:01:39,271 drill , you are training to this 47 00:01:39,271 --> 00:01:41,382 villain . Let's be clear . You should 48 00:01:41,382 --> 00:01:43,493 not expect to show up expecting to go 49 00:01:43,493 --> 00:01:45,604 through final medical or getting your 50 00:01:45,604 --> 00:01:47,604 technology requirements going . You 51 00:01:47,604 --> 00:01:49,771 need to be ready to start contributing 52 00:01:49,771 --> 00:01:51,882 on day one . So we're reviewing every 53 00:01:51,882 --> 00:01:53,827 Navy Bill it to ensure we have the 54 00:01:53,827 --> 00:01:55,993 right fit and fill so that our reserve 55 00:01:55,993 --> 00:01:58,160 forces built and trained to fight when 56 00:01:58,160 --> 00:01:59,938 needed . Tracking the real time 57 00:01:59,938 --> 00:02:01,771 readiness is vital to giving our 58 00:02:01,771 --> 00:02:03,993 commanders the information they need to 59 00:02:03,993 --> 00:02:06,160 employ Navy reserve assets and finally 60 00:02:06,160 --> 00:02:08,160 train . The force also supports the 61 00:02:08,160 --> 00:02:10,540 Chief of Naval Operations I 80 effort 62 00:02:10,750 --> 00:02:12,694 to reduce the number of individual 63 00:02:12,694 --> 00:02:14,528 augmented billets supporting non 64 00:02:14,528 --> 00:02:16,750 maritime mobilizations . We are working 65 00:02:16,750 --> 00:02:18,972 hard to reduce the individual augmented 66 00:02:18,972 --> 00:02:21,139 billets that are no longer relevant in 67 00:02:21,139 --> 00:02:22,917 this era of long term strategic 68 00:02:22,917 --> 00:02:24,960 competition . Thanks Joey as we 69 00:02:24,960 --> 00:02:27,071 transform and reshape the way that we 70 00:02:27,071 --> 00:02:28,904 train the force . We're going to 71 00:02:28,904 --> 00:02:31,016 eliminate low value efforts and focus 72 00:02:31,016 --> 00:02:33,182 on what really matters . We've already 73 00:02:33,182 --> 00:02:35,349 reduced several administrative items . 74 00:02:35,349 --> 00:02:35,220 And if you have any ideas , please send 75 00:02:35,220 --> 00:02:37,442 them to us for your chain of command or 76 00:02:37,442 --> 00:02:39,609 through are ready to win idea portal . 77 00:02:39,609 --> 00:02:41,720 Shipmates thank you for your focus on 78 00:02:41,720 --> 00:02:43,887 our future and thank you for reading , 79 00:02:43,887 --> 00:02:45,887 understanding and committing to the 80 00:02:45,887 --> 00:02:47,609 implementation of our fighting 81 00:02:47,609 --> 00:02:49,720 instructions . Next is our third line 82 00:02:49,720 --> 00:02:51,887 of effort mobilized the force . Thanks 83 00:02:51,887 --> 00:02:53,998 for all that you're doing out there . 84 00:02:53,998 --> 00:02:53,350 And I look forward to seeing in the 85 00:02:53,350 --> 00:02:56,640 fleet . Now let's get busy . Yeah .