WEBVTT 00:00.370 --> 00:02.481 Greeting Shipmates . I'm Vice Admiral 00:02.481 --> 00:04.703 John Muston , Chief of Navy Reserve and 00:04.703 --> 00:06.759 Commander Navy Reserve Force . As my 00:06.759 --> 00:08.814 tenure as your Chief of Navy Reserve 00:08.814 --> 00:10.981 draws to a close . I want to extend my 00:10.981 --> 00:12.981 appreciation to every member of our 00:12.981 --> 00:15.092 elite Navy Reserve team . I am filled 00:15.092 --> 00:16.926 with gratitude for the patriotic 00:16.926 --> 00:16.659 service of each of our sailors and 00:16.670 --> 00:19.003 civilians across the Navy Reserve Force . 00:19.003 --> 00:20.892 And I'm thankful for each of your 00:20.892 --> 00:23.059 supportive family members commanding , 00:23.059 --> 00:25.059 representing and advocating for the 00:25.059 --> 00:27.170 Navy Reserve has been the honor of my 00:27.170 --> 00:29.281 lifetime . And what each of you do in 00:29.281 --> 00:31.170 service to our nation has been an 00:31.170 --> 00:33.392 enduring and gratifying source of daily 00:33.392 --> 00:35.281 inspiration . Four years ago , we 00:35.281 --> 00:37.226 embarked on a generational force , 00:37.226 --> 00:39.170 design transformation to build new 00:39.170 --> 00:41.392 capabilities and shift capacity to meet 00:41.392 --> 00:43.226 the needs of long term strategic 00:43.226 --> 00:45.281 competition . During this period . I 00:45.281 --> 00:47.559 asked a lot from you and you delivered . 00:47.559 --> 00:49.614 You recognize that we no longer have 00:49.614 --> 00:51.614 the luxury of waking up hoping that 00:51.614 --> 00:53.837 tomorrow looks like yesterday , that we 00:53.837 --> 00:55.892 needed to transform with urgency and 00:55.892 --> 00:58.114 that we needed to make hard decisions . 00:58.114 --> 01:00.337 We continue to make those decisions and 01:00.337 --> 01:02.114 to make urgent quantifiable and 01:02.114 --> 01:03.726 demonstrable progress in the 01:03.726 --> 01:05.948 transformation and modernization of our 01:05.948 --> 01:08.114 force . Achieving success in designing 01:08.114 --> 01:10.059 a lethal future , ready integrated 01:10.059 --> 01:12.170 force training to certify and qualify 01:12.170 --> 01:12.089 our sailors and their mobilization 01:12.099 --> 01:14.410 billets and preparing to mass mobilize 01:14.620 --> 01:16.787 all to achieve and deliver against our 01:16.787 --> 01:18.509 singular priority war fighting 01:18.509 --> 01:21.180 readiness . You should be proud your 01:21.190 --> 01:22.857 contributions to our systemic 01:22.857 --> 01:24.523 transformation . Showcase the 01:24.523 --> 01:26.709 flexibility , readiness and value our 01:26.720 --> 01:28.959 citizen sailors generate and contribute 01:28.970 --> 01:31.839 to our national security . By next year , 01:31.949 --> 01:33.838 the modernized Navy Reserve Force 01:33.838 --> 01:35.838 design will be fully incorporated , 01:35.838 --> 01:37.900 giving you two years of run time to 01:37.910 --> 01:40.077 generate stability and readiness for a 01:40.077 --> 01:42.239 high end conflict . By 2027 an 01:42.250 --> 01:44.250 important deadline for our nation . 01:44.250 --> 01:47.919 That's 861 days and counting . I'm 01:47.930 --> 01:50.097 immensely proud of our accomplishments 01:50.097 --> 01:52.263 together on any day , our Navy Reserve 01:52.263 --> 01:54.769 provides 100,000 sailors , three dozen 01:54.779 --> 01:57.029 ship wing group and squadron commanding 01:57.040 --> 01:59.739 officers , nearly 100 and 50 aircraft , 01:59.750 --> 02:01.806 two seal teams , three expeditionary 02:01.806 --> 02:04.660 medical facilities , 2200 strategic sea 02:04.669 --> 02:07.669 lift officers , 450 civilians and 02:07.680 --> 02:09.902 nearly half of the Navy's expeditionary 02:09.902 --> 02:11.680 combat command and intelligence 02:11.680 --> 02:14.729 capability . We are ready credible and 02:14.740 --> 02:17.470 present 24 hours a day , seven days a 02:17.479 --> 02:20.429 week , 365 days a year with nearly 02:20.440 --> 02:22.940 15,000 sailors serving on active duty 02:22.949 --> 02:24.838 orders around the world making an 02:24.838 --> 02:27.050 impact in every theater on the globe . 02:27.440 --> 02:29.607 As members of the long blue line , you 02:29.607 --> 02:31.440 represent more than a century of 02:31.440 --> 02:33.662 meaningful contribution to the Navy and 02:33.662 --> 02:35.440 our nation . And the reason I'm 02:35.440 --> 02:37.496 optimistic about our future , I have 02:37.496 --> 02:39.662 valued every day as your Chief of Navy 02:39.662 --> 02:41.551 Reserve , working aggressively to 02:41.551 --> 02:43.662 deliver war fighting readiness across 02:43.662 --> 02:45.829 the force while we certainly have much 02:45.829 --> 02:47.996 to be proud of . There's still much to 02:47.996 --> 02:49.884 do . Team , make no mistake , the 02:49.884 --> 02:52.051 Navy's business , our business and the 02:52.059 --> 02:54.809 reason we exist is to fight and win our 02:54.820 --> 02:57.809 nation's wars . America expects and 02:57.820 --> 02:59.931 deserves winners , which is where you 02:59.931 --> 03:02.098 all come in . You're the torch bearers 03:02.098 --> 03:04.209 of our navy's rich history and legacy 03:04.209 --> 03:06.320 and I know that you will be qualified 03:06.320 --> 03:08.431 and ready to mobilize when our nation 03:08.431 --> 03:10.820 calls . So finally , thank you all our 03:10.830 --> 03:13.199 navy team , the great families and the 03:13.210 --> 03:15.432 many friends and supporters who've made 03:15.432 --> 03:17.210 the Navy Reserve Force relevant 03:17.210 --> 03:19.660 credible and ready . I offer my sincere 03:19.669 --> 03:21.725 thanks for all you do in the fleet , 03:21.725 --> 03:23.891 what you do at home and for our shared 03:23.891 --> 03:25.947 commitment to our nation's defense . 03:25.947 --> 03:27.947 It's been a high honor serving with 03:27.947 --> 03:30.113 each of you . The clock is ticking and 03:30.113 --> 03:32.058 I'm counting on you . Vice Admiral 03:32.058 --> 03:34.280 Lacour is counting on you . The navy is 03:34.280 --> 03:36.502 counting on you and America is counting 03:36.502 --> 03:39.250 on you . Let's talk more action over to 03:39.259 --> 03:40.130 you all to get busy .