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NEWS | Jan. 30, 2021

TNR Almanac: Career

By CNRF Public Affairs


The Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) is a stand-alone, once-per-paygrade electronically-delivered eligibility exam, currently accessible via MyNavy Portal (MNP) or Navy e-Learning (NeL). A PMK-EE mobile application is also available. Active and Reserve Component Sailors must successfully complete PMK-EE for the desired advancement paygrade (E-4/5/6/7) in order to be eligible to take the Navy Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE). Sailors are required to successfully pass PMK-EE only once per paygrade and can access the PMK-EE via My Navy Portal through the Learning Management System (LMS). PMK-EE must be completed by the first day of the month in which the NWAE is administered. Sailors who advance through the Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) are required to complete PMK-EE by the first day of MAP open season. For more information:


Enlisted Leader Development courses allow enlisted leaders to become more flexible, innovative, and confident by learning in a character focused continuum. The coursework places a premium on personal and professional growth through the expert use of challenge, adversity, feedback and mentoring. The facilitated courses are intensely interactive and focused on character, ethics, self-awareness, decision-making and leadership.

Foundational Leader Development Course (FLDC)

E-3 & E-4 (3 days)

Intermediate Leader Development Course (ILDC)

E-5 (3 days)

Advanced Leader Development Course (ALDC)

E-6 (4 days)

Chief Petty Officer Leader Development (CPOLDC)

E-7 (5 days)

In 2025, graduation from ILDC (E-5) or ALDC (E-6) will be a prerequisite for advancement to E-6 and E-7 respectively. Beginning Selection Board 2026, graduation from CPOLDC will be mandatory to advance to E-8. Select a course by visiting the Quick Links page on MyNavyPortal and logging into the CAC-enabled site under Enlisted Leader Development.

Local course information:



Reserve enlisted assignments are conducted via MyNavy Assignment (MNA). MNA is a web-based application that allows Sailors who are within their orders negotiation window to research, apply for jobs, and to communicate assignment preferences to the Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (CNRFC) Reserve Assignment Coordinators (RACs).


MNA Reserve Schedule

The MNA Reserve schedule follows a quarterly cycle and is located on the MNA homepage at There are three phases during the MNA cycle that affect Sailors who are within their orders negotiation window.


MNA displays available billets and allows Sailors to submit applications for billets they are qualified to fill. Sailors may submit up to seven applications per cycle. By utilizing the comments section, Sailors can communicate directly to the unit and RAC and should utilize this function to provide necessary details for assignment.


Reserve commands view, rank and comment on applications submitted for their unit. Command comments are vital to the selection process as it provides RACs with further details of command needs/requirements.

Selection/Directed Assignment Phase

RACs review applications and select the best-fit candidate for the specified billet. Once selections are complete, RACs begin the directed assignment phase during which Sailors who are in a needs-of-the-Navy status are directed into available billets based on their rate/rank and job qualifications.

Local Assignment Request

Local assignment requests allow Sailors who are Non-Locally- Assigned-Out (NLAO) and desiring a local billet to apply for local assignment during the application phase, regardless of their Projected Rotation Date (PRD) window. Sailors who are CAO desiring a local billet must use the “request local placement” function on their MNA homepage. Once the request has been submitted, MNA will lift the PRD gate and allow Sailors to apply for local billets via the job search tab. Please note, this is a two-part process and will not be seen by RACs unless both steps are completed. This function is only available during the MNA application phase.

Training Reserve Unit Identification Code (TRUIC)

Change Request

TRUIC changes are completed when a Sailor desires to transfer from their current drill site or between units within their NRA. There are several reasons why this would happen: relocation, rate training or Reserve Program Code (RPC) alignment with their NLAO unit. Training Unit Identification Code (TRUIC) changes are conducted via the Reserve Force Manpower Tools (RFMT) website and must be submitted by the Sailor’s NRA for processing. Direct individual requests submitted via MNA are not valid and will be disapproved/redirected to the NRA for submission via RFMT.

Reserve enlisted assignments are governed by RESPERSMAN M-1001.5 (CH-13), Articles 1000-1300



  As you start your Navy career as an officer, you will interact with JO APPLY. This online tool is how you search and apply for career opportunities. JO APPLY is for officers O-4 and below seeking non-command billets. Officers seeking CO or OIC jobs utilize APPLY for billeting. APPLY allows the ability to set distances willing to travel for unit drills, as drill travel is often at senior officer’s own expense.

JO APPLY uses a three-step quarterly process, which includes application, ranking and selection/directed phases. During the application phase, potential candidates apply for billets. Make sure you can meet certain drilling requirements before applying for certain billets. The ranking phase ranks command Reserve Program Directors and adds feedback for candidates. In the selection/directed phase, CNRFC reviews all applicants, rankings and comments and selects officers for billets and direct assignments



APPLY is a similar phased event, but with four steps guiding CO/OIC placement. The first step, record review, allows potential candidates time to review personal records before applying for a billet. Letters to the board may be submitted at this phase to list any missing application information or comments. The second step, registration and dream sheet, is where potential applicants make a list of billets to be considered for. Third, confidence factor, is when the APPLY board reviews and briefs records to the panel. Here, board members vote to determine confidence factors. The last phase, slating, is when applicants come before the board to slate for a billet. slating is based on confidence factor rank and top choice of remaining billets.

For more information contact: or





C-WAY is a force management tool, balancing manning across rates, ratings and active and Reserve components through the Bureau of Naval Personnel’s (BUPERS) control reenlistment and enlistment contract extension quotas.

Through C-Way you can apply for rating, active component and TAR conversion opportunities. For more information, talk with your career counselor or visit bupers-npc/career/careercounseling/Pages/C-WAY.aspx



Reserve Component to Active component (RC2AC) / Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR)

Three RC2AC transition programs are available for RC Sailors to meet AC and TAR mission requirements.

• Definite recall

• Indefinite recall (officer)/Augmentation (enlisted)


Definite (temporary) recall to active duty gives RC Sailors the opportunity to perform active-duty recall orders to fill specific AC or TAR billets for a period of 1-3 years. Personnel remain in the RC and compete for promotion with other RC members while on definite recall orders and then return to their previous status at the completion of orders.

Indefinite Recall (Officer)/Augmentation (Enlisted) gives RC officers the opportunity to fill AC shortfalls and enlisted Sailors the opportunity to fill AC community shortfalls as well as TAR shortfalls.

Officer designators are changed to AC (xxx0), and enlisted Sailors sign a new AC or TAR enlistment contract. These programs leverage existing skill sets to improve AC and TAR community health, and provide Sailors an opportunity to resume or begin a career in the AC or TAR. Personnel compete for promotion or advancement as AC or TAR members and are subject to the same AC or TAR force management policies as their counterparts. Enlisted personnel have their service date adjusted based on total active service in order to compete in the proper year group.



Career Waypoints (C-WAY) Reenlistment transition to SELRES allows active-duty enlisted Sailors to request and receive approval for SELRES quotas through the C-WAY-Reenlistment process, either in their current rate, or direct conversion to another rate for which they are qualified.

AC or TAR Sailors may request a SELRES quota through the C-WAY-Reenlistment module during their Soft Expiration of Obligated Service (SEAOS) C-WAY-Reenlistment window (13 to 3 months prior to SEAOS. Always discuss submission of a SELRES request outside of the SELRES only window (5-3 months prior to SEAOS) with your career counselor.

Once approved for SELRES affiliation, and while still on active duty, Sailors can select the NRC they desire to be assigned to through



LaDRs provide rate specific guidance to Sailors along a learning and development continuum to help navigate their present and future career moves. These guides explain in detail what Sailors need to succeed at specific points in their career and receive yearly updates to maintain relevance. In 2019, LaDRs received a comprehensive update to include Reserve specific guidance on SELRES career paths to all applicable ratings. Download your rating LaDR at



Eligibility for Non-Regular retirement generally requires 20 Qualifying Years of service. A member accrues a Qualifying Year after earning a minimum of 50 retirement points in their own Anniversary Year.



Frequent review of your Statement of Service for accuracy and completeness is critical to assure your Reserve retirement pay includes compensation for all the creditable work you performed during your career. While still a member of the Reserve component, you can take your supporting documentation to your NRC or program office for assistance in correcting any discrepancies. If unable to correct an issue, contact the My Navy Career Center to create a service request in order to begin the discrepancy resolution process. MNCC can be reached by phone at 1-833-330-MNCC or by email at <>.


After achieving 20 qualifying years of service, and within 12 months, Navy Personnel Command PERS-912 will send a Notice of Eligibility (NOE) letter to you at the mailing address they have on record.

From receipt of the NOE, you have 90 days to complete and return your Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan Election Certificate (DD Form 2656-5). The Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RC-SBP) is an annuity which would provide a monthly payment should you as the member pre-decease your eligible beneficiary.


As your end of military service date approaches, you should talk with your unit, career counselor and command leadership. Per NAVADMIN 243/14, Reserve members are to receive their official retirement counseling from their career counselor through a career development board for enlisted Sailors or from the commanding officer through mid-term counseling for officers.


Reserve Component members are directed to submit retirement requests via the NSIPS Employee Self-Service Retirements and Separations module. Retirements without Pay are effective the first day of the given month, following any HYT or statutory limit. Members may submit a Retirement Without Pay request once they’ve accrued 19 qualifying years.


Your Retirement Pay Eligibility Date will normally be your 60th birthday. Members eligible for Retirement with Pay (also known as Non-Regular Retirement) must mail or fax their application to Navy Personnel Command, PERS-912. This includes the Application for Retired Pay Benefits (DD Form 108) and Data for Payment of Retired Personnel (DD Form 2656). There are a few exceptions allowing you to retire with pay before age 60. Please see DoDI 1215.07, “Service Credit for Non-Regular Retirement.” PERS-912 recommends applying for your retired pay up to a full calendar year in advance of eligibility.


Visit the MyNavy HR Reserve retirement website to review the basic processes of a Reserve retirement, for a schedule of upcoming retirement transition outreach events, and to download the two required forms (DD Form 108 and 2656): Reserve-Personnel-Mgmt/Reserve-Retirements/

If you aren’t retiring for some time, stay tuned for MyNavyHR Navy Pay and Personnel transformation updates; these efforts will change the process and systems used for Reserve retirements.

Other resources may include local Retired Activities Office, local accredited veteran services organizations and the Veterans Administration, as well as making an appointment with your local Social Security office.

Talk with your NRC or unit career counselor for more information.



TSP is one of the three parts of your retirement entitlement, your pension and social security being the other two. TSP provides more benefits than retirement though. With TSP you pay low administrative and investment related expenses, can make catch-up contributions, take advantage of multiple fund investment options, and take out loans and make withdrawals.

The good news is if you are a civilian federal employee and you were hired after July 31, 2010, you are automatically enrolled in TSP, and 3% of your basic pay is deducted from your paycheck each pay period and deposited in the traditional balance of your TSP account (unless you have made an election to change or stop your contributions).

To check your balance and explore more TSP benefits, visit the TSP website:




High Year Tenure (HYT) is based off a Reserve Sailors Pay Entry Base date and includes all service in the Active, Reserve and inactive components. Limiting service years based on rank serves as a management tool to properly shape and balance the Navy’s total force but there are exceptions allowing Reserve Sailors to serve extended careers past their HYT restrictions


The Voluntary Training Unit (VTU) offers Reserve Sailors a way to achieve qualifying years for retirement. VTU is a part of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), where Reserve Sailors must complete the same requirements as drilling Reserve Sailors to accrue retirement points and qualifying years, but without pay for drill periods. Unlike the active component, Reserve Sailors could reach their HYT mark without being eligible for retirement pay due to insufficient drill points in a given year. However, options are available to most Reserve Sailors in order to help them extend their service out to make up for lost years. Reserve Sailors can request an HYT waiver to remain in a paid billet, or request a transfer to the VTU. When E4 to E6 Reserve Sailors reach their HYT date they are able to request a transfer to the VTU to obtain 20 qualifying years for retirement. When E7 and above Reserve Sailors reach their HYT date they are automatically waived to serve in the VTU until 30 years length of service. With few exceptions, Reserve Sailors have 30 years (all service years including IRR) to complete their eligibility for retirement pay.


NAVADMIN 288/22 announced the HYT Plus Pilot Program, a two-year suspension of enlisted high-year tenure, to improve Navy retention efforts and Fleet readiness. Drilling Reserve Sailors are automatically approved to continue service through 30 September 2024 independent of HYT gates outlined in\ MILPERSMAN 1160-120 as long as they remain in good standing and are recommended for retention on their most recent evaluation. Drilling Reserve Sailors will have to submit a 1306/7 through their Navy Reserve Center (NRC) requesting to stay Navy under the HYT Plus Pilot program.


At times, VTU Sailors in certain rates may be eligible to apply for billets as a paid Reserve member through an HYT waiver and return to Reserve status. HYT waivers can be requested and submitted through your NRC Command Career Counselor.


For Sailors serving in overmanned rates and facing advancement challenges or HYT deadlines, a change of rating may provide opportunities for continued career progression. The Reserve Enlisted Community Manager (ECM) provides a monthly updated list of rates open to convert-in and convert-out of, providing cross-rating options. For more information, talk with your NRC Command Career Counselor.



As a Reservist, you can gain valuable knowledge and earn retirement points for completing correspondence courses.

CNRF N7 maintains the official list of correspondence courses eligible for credit of retirement points. The list is released each fiscal year through an ALNAVRESFOR message. The fiscal year 2020 list is available at Navigate to cnrfc > n-codes > N7, click the more tab and then retirement points.

If you would like to recommend a course to be added to the approved course list, follow the link at the bottom of the retirement points page to request an addition.


Completing approved correspondence courses does not automatically generate retirement point credits. Course completion certificates must be submitted to your NRC for credit. Credits must be entered within 12 months of the course completion date. After the 12 month period has elapsed, your commanding officer must provide an approval endorsement, with completion certificates, to Navy Personnel Command (PERS-912) for course credit entries.




Being able to operate in joint environments is crucial to modern military success. The requirement for commissioned officers to be educated and experienced in joint matters was codified in the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986. The Joint Qualified System builds upon this historic legislation by providing a structure recognizing the expeditionary and inherently joint nature of military operations in the 21st century. JQO is one of four JQS levels that provide a path for attaining joint qualifications through either a traditional joint duty assignment or by accumulating an equivalent level of joint experience, education and training over the course of a career.

For more information on JQO:




The military takes great pride in providing access to formal military education and there are numerous opportunities available for professional growth in the Navy Reserve. Some examples are in-residence programs offered through four major military war colleges, two-year blended learning programs through the Army War College, executive education programs, the Joint Combat Warfighting School, the Foreign Military Exchange Program and the Naval Postgraduate School’s defense-focused part-time executive master of business administration program.




Navy COOL assists Sailors by funding the certification and licensing exams that map their education, training, experience and competencies to industry/civilian credentials. Sailors can link an academic degree, rating specialty (even prior ratings), current civilian occupation, other service occupations, collateral duty assignments and even credentials earned and maintained prior to joining the Navy. You can view credentialing opportunities:




USMAP allows you to obtain a certificate of completion from the U.S. Department of Labor by documenting work experience during military service. Apprenticeships expand career options, build on military experience and can qualify you for a better civilian job with significantly higher pay. Each apprenticeship trade requires from 2,000 and 8,000 hours of on-the-job work and formal classroom instruction (A or C schools). There are specific requirements to participate in USMAP.

To learn more:



You are responsible for the submission of your own official transcripts to the Joint Services Transcript (JST) office. If you have a completed/finished degree or earned college credits to document, ask your educational institution to send an official sealed transcript to the JST office. JST will not accept transcripts unless mailed by the institution.

JST also describes your military schooling and work history in civilian terms, and as a standard form, making it easier for colleges to read and recommend credits. JST provides documented evidence to colleges and universities of professional military education, training and occupation experiences achieved by service members and veterans. JST translates military experience into civilian language and:

• Gives potential employers a chance to see the real-world value of your experience

• Allows academic counselors a better understanding of a military member’s skills

• Saves time and money by awarding academic credits for military experience

Visit for more information