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And the winner is… The i3 Waypoints broadcast stream with the finalist presentations and awarding of the winner’s trophy is now live below. Be the first in your command to view the final entries and announcement of the winner by Vice Adm. John B. Mustin, Chief of Navy Reserve and Commander, Navy Reserve Force. i3 Waypoints is an approach to inventing: innovate something entirely new; improve on something already established; or integrate several ideas, products or processes rendering the former completely obsolete. Mustin introduced the annual competition to fast-track transformative ideas from across the Navy directly to the highest levels of the Navy Reserve, without filters or bureaucratic barriers. One-hundred and seven submissions were received over a five-week period. Five final entries were ultimately chosen and presented to a panel hosted by Mustin during a taped session at Fort George G. Meade, Md., June 28. The other panelists were retired Vice Adm. Andrew “Woody” Lewis; Mr. Bruce E. Mosler, chairman, global brokerage of Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.; Navy Reserve Force Master Chief Tracy L. Hunt and 2021 Reserve Sailor of the Year Chief Yeoman (Select) Jasmyn Phinizy.
VADM John B. Mustin, Chief of Navy Reserve and Commander, Navy Reserve Force, announced the finalists for the inaugural “i3 Waypoints” initiative. In total, 106 i3 Waypoints submissions were received and reviewed by a team led by RADM John A. Schommer, Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command. Five finalists were selected and presented their ideas before a panel of senior Navy Reserve, military, and industry leaders led by VADM Mustin and Navy Reserve Force Master Chief Tracy L. Hunt on June 28, 2022. A winner was selected, but more than one idea may be implemented. VADM Mustin also announced that i3 Waypoints will be an annual event, so keep your ideas at the ready for when the idea portal opens up next fiscal year. The video-recorded idea presentations will be available for streaming July 11, 2022, here on the Navy Reserve website and Navy Reserve social media platforms. Below are the i3 Waypoints 2022 finalists:
i3 Waypoints was introduced as a way to fast-track transformative ideas from across the Navy directly to the highest levels of the Navy Reserve, without filters or bureaucratic barriers. i3 Waypoints is an approach to inventing: innovate something entirely new; improve on something already established; or integrate several ideas, products or processes rendering the former completely obsolete. Sailors and civilians on the front lines of challenges and roadblocks in their daily lives are invaluable sources of ideas for change. i3 Waypoints challenges the entire U.S. Navy – from Selected Reserve, Training and Administration of the Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve, Active Duty and civilians, in all ranks, rates and grades – to propose new or better ways for the Navy Reserve to operate.
Calling All Visionaries: Submit your ideas to the Chief of Navy Reserve
Vice Adm. John B. Mustin, Chief of Navy Reserve and Commander, Navy Reserve Force, launched i3 Waypoints to fast-track transformative ideas from across the Navy directly to the highest levels of the Navy Reserve, without filters, administrative friction or bureaucratic barriers along the way. i3 Waypoints is an approach to inventing: Innovate something entirely new; improve on something already established; or integrate several ideas, products or processes rendering the former completely obsolete.
As the Navy Reserve aggressively transforms and modernizes, pivoting from two decades of land-based, non-maritime contributions, to instead laser-focus on warfighting readiness to address today’s security environment and strategic competition in a maritime domain.
This transformation includes across the board changes, from shifting capabilities and capacity to critical strategic needs, to our approach to warfighting and mobilization readiness, our force mobilization processes and day-to-day operational and administrative processes.
You, our Sailors and civilians, who are on the front lines of challenges and roadblocks in your daily lives, are invaluable sources of ideas for change. i3 Waypoints challenges the entire U.S. Navy – from Selected Reserve, Training and Administration of the Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve, Active Duty and government civilians, in all ranks, rates and grades – to propose new or better ways for the Navy Reserve to operate.
Submitting Your Idea The process to submit your transformative ideas is simple. For more information, to review the terms and conditions and to submit your idea visit the i3 Waypoints CAC-enabled portal at: The portal will accept ideas from April 13 through May 22, 2022. NOTE: You may be prompted to login using your Flank Speed credentials. Fast-Track of Ideas All submissions will go directly to an initial review panel, which will select finalists to present their ideas to a panel of senior Navy Reserve, policy and industry leaders, including Vice Adm. Mustin and Navy Reserve Force Master Chief Tracy L. Hunt. The presentations will be videotaped and aired following the event. And a winner will be selected, although we may choose several ideas to implement. We look forward to seeing – an implementing – your ideas! Important dates: 13 April - 22 May: Submission Period 23 May – 2 June: Initial review period 3 June: Notification to all entrants, including finalists 28 June: Taped presentation at Fort Meade, Md. 11 July: Winner announced via taped broadcast