Reserve Warriors,
Seventy five years ago today, on the deck of battleship USS Missouri anchored in Tokyo Bay, Imperial Japan formally surrendered, ending WWII.
Navy Reserve Sailors were critical in fighting and winning WWII, especially in the Pacific. By the end of the war, some three million Reserve Sailors made up over 80 percent of the Navy and nearly 23 thousand Reserve Sailors sacrificed their lives in defending our nation and the world.
Today, our Navy is being challenged by great power competition, which also carries a risk of sustained combat at sea, unseen since WWII. And if that day comes, victory will not be assured and national sacrifices will have to be made.
My job is to ensure our Navy Reserve is ready, that you are ready to answer our Nation’s call if needed.
That is what it means to wear this uniform. To be a warfighter.
Success depends on the individual – on you – to help hone a Reserve force on par with the bravery, ability, honor and sacrifice of our brothers and sisters in WWII.
It will not occur overnight, but with steadfast diligence, it can happen sooner than we think.
Thank you sincerely for everything you, your family, and your employers do to support the Navy Reserve.